
Considering A Career In Yachting?

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 If you do, you may want to consider the following:

Are you someone who:

  • Is willing to work hard
  • Able to live in a confined space
  • Prepared to work away from home
  • Can take instructions

If  all the above is checked, you are ready for the next step namely acquiring the necessary skills and certification required.

When choosing a career path in this industry it is advisable to make this decision early before enrolling for any of the multiple courses offered by Training Providers. Courses offered are costly and time consuming. All courses are ultimately aimed at up skilling and enhancing recruitment opportunities and to enjoy what this amazing industry has to offer.

In terms of the International Convention on Standards of Training, all Mariners/Seafarers who work on boats/yachts/cruiser ships of over 24m are to have been certified competent with the following skills:

  • Elementary First Aid
  • Fire Prevention and Firefighting 
  • Personal Safety & Social Responsibility
  • Personal Survival Techniques

It is further required that all Mariners/Seafarers have a valid ENG1 Certificate. This is a medical certificate issued by a nominated Medical Doctor. Nominations are done by the relevant Regulatory body such as the MCA (Maritime Coastal Agency)

Although not a compulsory requirement, the course “Personal Designated Security Duties” are increasingly listed as a requirement by Recruitment Agencies when listing a job.

At this point a decision should be made by the new entrant which additional skill will enhance recruitment prospects and could include any of the following dependent on personal preference and career expectations:

Powerboat II  –           Deckhands are occasionally required to operate a tender and will this course assist in getting a feeling for how to handle smaller tenders.

AEC 1 –           This is the MCA Approved Engine Course dealing with the basics of diesel engines at sea. Yachtsmart247 has identified the need of a practical element to this training and has linked this training with the MTU CM1 course allowing the student to perform basic maintenance on an MTU Engine. This is important as MTU is one of  the preferred engine for Super Yachts – Only MTU Certified Engineers(Technicians) are allowed to perform maintenance on MTU Engines. 

Deckhand       –           These courses vary in structure and are not an accredited course although it offers a basic understanding of the duties of a Deckhand onboard a Super Yacht

Stewardess    –           This course provides insights into the various interior duties onboard a Super Yacht. This is also not an Accredited course but considered to be essential in preparing for the task awaiting.

A Matrix has been compiled to indicate the various entry level courses offered and which should be considered by any new entrant to the industry, some which are dependent on career path chosen. The AEC1, AEC II and  AVIT courses are for example not compulsory but provides a well sought after skill and also allows the student specialization at a later stage.

 AccreditationCompulsarySkillsWho should consider this
STCWYESYESSafety & Survival Techniques/Medical Emergency/FirefightingAll Seafarers 
PDSDYESNOSecurity at SeaAll Seafarers
PBIIYESNOHandling of a tenderDeckhands/Engineers
AEC 1 + MTU CM1YESNOMaintenance/Repairs to Engines & MTU Engines(Only offered by Yachtsmart247)Deckhands/Engineers/Captains
AEC 2 + MTU CM2YESNOMaintenance/Repairs to Engines & MTU Engines(Only offered by Yachtsmart247) – PracticalDeckhands/Engineers/Captains
DeckhandNONOCleaning/Ropework/Anchoring Duties/Watch/Yacht Rating/Radio UsageDeckhands
StewardessNONOInterior Cleaning & MaintenanceStewardesses
AVITNONOAudio & Video Installations and ProgrammingEngineers/Deckhands/Stewardesses/ETO’s
ChefYESNOCooking & Baking on board a Super YachtChef
Food & HealthYESYESFood HygieneStewardesses/Chefs
PWCYESNOUsing a JetskiDeckhands

Advanced courses such as the Yachtmaster, ECDIS, Small Vessel Engineer, ETO, Efficient Deckhand, GSK and many others are not included in the above matrix as this will be considered at a later stage during your career. It should be noted that most Marine courses require sea time, in other words hours at sea  in order to obtain certification and progress within the industry. Experience is ultimately an essential requirement in the industry and will all the skills taught in courses be tested over time in those who choose this industry as their career. Most Super Yacht Owners require their Captains to have some level of engineering skills as an example. 

The above matrix and discussion is just a brief overview of the different skills required on board a super yacht and the courses offered by the various Training Providers to assist seafarers in their careers and efficiently fulfilling their duties.

It is advisable to decide on a career path and choose the appropriate courses to assist you in achieving success as 

To learn more about the industry or get advise on which career path to pursue you can contact us for a personal skype or in person consultation at info@yachtsmart247.com

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